Hydroécologie Appliquée

Welcome to the online article submission and editorial system for Hydroécologie Appliquée (Applied Hydroecology). Hydroécologie Appliquée is an international journal published in French and English, featuring original articles on human impacts on aquatic, marine, brackish and freshwater environments. The subjects covered range from descriptions of change in aquatic ecosystems subject to thermal, chemical or biological modifications, to modeling of the processes that determine transformations in the environment. Some articles examine the development of innovative methods to quantify pollutants and their effects. The topics of the submitted articles must have a link with the biotic communities of aquatic ecosystems*.
Visit our website https://www.hydroecologie.org/

*Many manuscripts submitted to Hydroécologie Appliquée are refused because the topic of the submitted manuscript is not related to the biology or ecology of aquatic ecosystems.

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Instruction to authors

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NESTOR is the new EDP Sciences submission system. Introducing new features, it has never been easier, faster and safer to submit your publication. If you need help, read our User Guide

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